dating a gamer

Dating a Gamer: What to Do If Your Partner Is a Gamer

With over worldwide, the chances of having someone who is passionate about gaming are higher than ever before. Gaming is no longer just fun; it has become a lifestyle for millions and even a way to earn money. But what does dating a gamer mean? Is it possible to have a normal relationship with a gaming enthusiast? If you are interested in someone who’s addicted to the virtual universe, you need to understand what kind of challenges and opportunities come along with it. Let’s find out whether dating a gamer is a lonely journey or an exciting mission with a good prize. 

Date a Gamer: Pros and Cons

If you’ve met a really cute guy and want to know if you can date a gamer, there are plenty of reasons to convince you. However, in any situation, you should not ignore the shortcomings because it may turn out that some of them are too difficult for you to cope with.


  • Spirit of the winner. Your gamer partner will stop at nothing to gain your affection, and once they have, they will do everything to hold onto it. They will treat you like a queen to make sure you are happy. The main thing is that this should not be another goal in the game for the sake of victory itself. 
  • Kid in a sweetshop. Most of the players are just grown-up kids, which means they will be playful in relationships. They love to joke around and have fun together. There’s no doubt that your connection will never become too boring.
  • Respect for private boundaries. A gamer understands their partner’s need for space simply because they need space for playing. They won’t mind you taking a few hours or days to yourself.
  • Attentive to details. Missing valuable information affects the outcome of the gamer’s mission. This makes them attentive, especially when it comes to your mood and needs in a relationship. 


  • Increased emotionality. Gamers are very sensitive to any changes, especially in the game. Therefore, if you try to distract them, you risk getting into trouble.
  • Loss of reality. Addicted players spend most of their time in the game, while you may want to experience real life. They may find it difficult to differentiate between video games and relationships. Conflicts on this basis are frequent and require compromise. 
  • Social disapproval. In most cases, parents’ reaction to a gamer soulmate is negative because they consider such a person not a very reliable partner.

7 Things You Should Know Before Start Dating a Gamer

video games and relationships

You’ve matched with an intelligent and funny person, but your partner appears a hardcore gamer? Don’t worry in vain but look for expert help. For gamer couples, finding the right balance between their passions and quality time together can sometimes be a challenge. We’ve researched all the factors you need to know and consider. After all, not everything may be as scary as it seems. 

Gaming is more than a hobby

The significant other of a gamer should understand that games are not just a way to spend time in their free time from work but a lifestyle. This is reflected in their appearance, their home, their surroundings, their conversations, their literature, etc. In addition, consider the fact they can be members of online communities and spend time with their friends also online.

Communication is your main tool

Communicating with gamers can be difficult since they are too busy playing their favorite games. The most important rule is to avoid making them feel guilty about how they spend time. By the way, if you try to learn some gaming slang, it can help you strengthen the connection.

Stay away from gaming equipment

Many gamers have a sense of possessiveness when it comes to equipment, such as high-end computers, consoles, etc. Don’t be offended that your partner requires more space for their kit. Dating a gamer implies that you should also treat their gear with care. 

Be prepared for competitiveness

It is obvious that when playing regularly, the player has a constant desire to win the game, and to score more points, among other things. This behavior is also reflected in real life. Moreover, for some, starting a relationship causes enthusiasm in order to advance through their levels. It may seem to you that your partner may compete with you occasionally. However, some friendly competition for the couple is welcomed.

Supporting their ideas and lifestyle

In any relationship, support plays a huge role. In addition to accepting the fact that they are gamers and being willing to show understanding, there’s more that you can offer. Ask them about the games they enjoy playing, their favorite genres, and the gaming communities they’re a part of. If they want to take part in any gaming events, then offer to accompany them. If you know that they have accomplished a task or reached a new level, celebrate it together. 

Try gaming yourself

If you’re wondering how to date a gamer, then you are not a big fan of computer games. Don’t be afraid to give it a shot. You may be able to find a game to your liking and offer to play it together. It may not happen often, but such a joint activity will definitely bring you closer. Eventually, you will be able to convince them to try some of your hobbies. 

Type of stress reliever

Everyone copes with stress in their own way. If they play, it means that they want to abstract themselves from reality into an imaginary world where they can always go back and correct their mistakes. The partner needs to understand that if this is the reason, then it is not worth making a problem out of it. Most likely, you also cope with stress by going shopping or eating sweets. Each of you should have a release and it is necessary to respect its methods.

Online Dating for Gamers: Is It a Good Idea?

Even the most seasoned gamers want to have a soulmate, and that’s a fact. No victory in a game brings joy if it cannot be shared with a special person. Sooner or later, they are overwhelmed by the feeling that something is missing in their life. Relationships and dating for gamers are a challenge. However, today there are many services where exclusively game lovers meet and communicate. When they want something different, they use the full range of common public dating platforms. Why is online dating for gamers so popular? 

  1. Since gamers are comfortable with technology and online connections, dating sites are less frightening than traditional methods.
  2. Due to spending significant time on gaming activities, online dating lets gamers find a match from their own home.
  3. Gamers often have less experience communicating with girls, but thanks to the wider and more diverse choice of partners, they can connect with potential partners easily. 
  4. It’s also more common for gamers to schedule dates around their playing time, which often involves late-night hours.
  5. Society may introduce a negative perception of being an avid gamer. Online dating platforms are a more understanding environment in this case.

Are Gamers Typically Loyal in Relationships?

Let’s start with the fact that to play games you need to be at home, which is what aspiring gamers do. They would rather play their games than a dating game. They can only respond if it piques their interest, even if someone happens to flirt with them online. We already know that playing a game requires time and effort to progress. This creates a feeling of dedication, which is also displayed in relationships.

In addition, multiplayer games mean cooperating with others to achieve some goal, which is impossible without trust and loyal relationships. Obviously, all of the above makes the gamer a loyal person. Remember, it is also a personal choice.

dating a gamer is lonely


Dating a gamer is an experience that requires your effort to adapt to the situation. Supporting their passion can lead to strong relationships filled with happy moments. There are still many different and strange hobbies in the world, and sometimes even destructive ones. Can this stop you from loving a person? If you really like someone, don’t be afraid to build a rapport. Hobbies can’t always tell us the full story about a person. Regardless of their interests, you can only tell if someone is right for you by making an effort to get to know them. And who knows? You might even join them in a game, creating exciting memories together.

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